Bridge and a pond in the hotel garden


Hotel Laufelder Hof
Main road 7
54533 Laufeld
Telephone  +49(0)6572  92130
Fax  +49(0)6572  9213-45

Responsible for the content:
Hotel Laufelder Hof
Owner: Hiltrud Vogt
Main road 7
54533 Laufeld
Telephone 06572 921-30
Fax 06572 921-345

Commercial register: HRA 11 957
Tax number 43/180/4016.6

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Trier country road 57
54516 Wittlich
Tel: 06571 9537807

hm advertising service
54516 Wittlich

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Editing of photos and content:
Hotel Laufelder Hof, Archiv Eifel Tourismus GmbH, ComCept, Hochscheid, fotolia, Privat


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